By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bands were loosed.
There are about phrases in the passage above that God moves. That is, it describes the way God moves.
1) At midnight
2) Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises
3) And suddenly, there was a great earthquake.
Midnight describes times in our life that there is chaos. We do not know what to do next. It seems that our hope and faith has been completely destroyed.
During these times, you are sad and downhearted. You do not feel like praying or singing praises. You
r faith has been shaken.
Acts 16:25-26 is an excerpt from a story where Paul and Silas had been preaching all day. Then they suddenly get arrested and beaten for preaching the word. And they were thrown into jail. This seems unfair. When Jesus was leaving this earth, He changed His disciples to go out and witness and win souls for the kingdom of God
(Matthew 28: 19-20)
Now we have obeyed your word, preached all day and we have been thrown into prison.
But instead of grumbling and accusing God, they decided to pray and sing praises.
Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises
When you are put in prison the last thing you will want to do is to sing praises.
Probably, you will pray and mumble words like Hannah did in 1 Samuel 1 in the old testament. When she was praying and praying and placing her request before God.
But singing? No
However, Paul and Silas choose to do the most difficult thing (sing praises and thank God in all situations – 1 Thessalonians 5:18)
– Tired, hungry and disappointed servants of God decided to pray and sing praises
And when they did
Something happened
There was a miracle
And suddenly there was a great earthquake
The statement above highlights the importance of praises and prayer in our time of need.
It brings prompt or quick response to our prayers.
When Paul and Silas sang praises in their darkest moment (Midnight) God moved suddenly, without warning.
There was an earthquake that broke the chains not only of Paul and Silas but the other prisoners as well.
The prayer and praises delivered them from bandage. It can do the same for everybody even now or presently.
Never give up your faith no matter whatever challenges you face.
There can be a sudden change in your situation. The Lord will move suddenly into your situation and turn things around just as He did for Paul and Silas
Meditate on the words of the song
The song is over
(The storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(somewhere beyond the clouds)
I feel heaven, yeah
(Heaven is over me)
Come on and set me free
I was in a tunnel
And I couldn’t see the light
And whenever I’d look up
I couldn’t see the sky
Sometimes when I’m standing
It seems like I had walked for miles
And my heart could be crying
Dead in the middle of a smile
But then I climbed the hills
And saw the mountains
I hollered help I cause
I was lost
Then I felt the strong wind
Heard a small voice
The storm is over…