Acts 25
At midnight Paul and Silas were singing praises. Then suddenly there was an earthquake and their chains were broken…..( Paraphrased)
The verse above is highlighting the power of praise
– Praise and thanks giving can cause God to move quickly on your behalf because He inhabits our praise
– Praise and thanksgiving can lift up your Spirit when you are sad and give you the joy of the Lord
– The Bible says a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones
The verse above talks about Paul and Silas singing praises at midnight
Midnight in this context is being used figurativey. Midnight , represents a time in your life when
– You feel weak and weary
– You feel
unqualified to perform in your ministry
– You feel forever attached to a challenge
Paul and Silas had been preaching the gospel when they were arrested beaten and thrown into prison
It is very difficult to praise God when you are being punished for doing the right thing. They were fulfilling the Great Commission, preaching the word
But in spite of all this, Paul and Silas did not “have a pity party” and mourn or brood over their problem.
They decided to praise God in spite of everything. Then suddenly !!!
– Without warning or prior notice there was an earthquake and their chains were broken but they did not escape.
– But instead used it as an opportunity to preach the gospel to their fellow prisoners and their guards
Therefore, at your midnight hour when all hope is lost remember
……with men it may be impossible but with God all things are possible ( Matthew 19:26)
Song for meditation
God you are so good
God you are kind
God you are wonderful
My Lord you are excellent
Excellent is thy name
Excellent is thy power
God you are wonderful
My Lord you are excellent
Excellent est votre nom
Excellent est votre puissance
Mon Seigneur vous etes meivelleux
Mon Seigneur vous etes excellent
By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson