Only believe!! [ August 8, 2023 ]
Only believe!! [ August 8, 2023 ]
Only believe!!
Psalm 125:1
They that trust in the Lord shall be like mount Zion which cannot be moved but abideth forever
A person who believes is one who takes God at His word and trusts Him for salvation.
In the verse above the Psalmist says those believe or put their trust in God are never shaken or affected by challenges and trials. Nothing moves them and nothing affects their trust in God. Why?
Because scripture says in Jeremiah 1:12 that
God watches over His word to perform
Meaning, God ensures that the word He has spoken or His promises come to pass.
This is confirmed by Isaiah 55:11
The word of God never goes and comes back void but it accomplishes what it was sent to do ( paraphrased)
Therefore when you place your request before God in prayer, all you have to do is to believe it is done and start thanking Him for the victory.
James 2:26
As the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also
This verse from the new testament says faith without works is dead. In other words if your faith is not backed with action or results, it is dead.
For instance, if you ask God to help you pass your examinations, do not go round saying all the negative things that happened during the examination. Like, oh I forgot to number the questions I answered or I left one important point out of question 1 etc.
If you do this, you are not backing your faith with actions. In spite of what you were able to do or not do, pray and start thanking God for the victory.
God will make a way if only you believe.
God be with you.
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Trust in God at all times.
Meditate on the words of this hymn
Fight the good fight
With all thy might
Christ is thy strength
And Christ thy right
Lay hold on life
And it shall be thy joy and crown eternally
Faint not nor fear
His arm is near
He changeth not
And thou art dear
Only believe
And thou shall see
That Christ is all and all to thee.