One step at a time!! [ July 4, 2024 ]

July 4, 2024
One step at a time!! [ July 4, 2024 ]

Daily Word 🇬🇭

One step at a time!!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He shall direct the path

The phrase ” One step at a time” highlights the fact that God works systematically and carefully. He does not rush, He works out His plan for our lives slowly making sure that everything falls into the right place.

Therefore, it is important to trust God with all your heart and not try to use your own intelligence and abilities. Just remain calm and watch the Almighty guide you into His purpose.

That is the message in the passage quoted above.

Scripture also says in Habakkuk 2:3-4 that

The vision is for an appointed time, though it tarries, wait for it, it will surely come to pass ( paraphrased)

Meaning, do not be discouraged by delays and obstacles, God’s plan for your life will surely come to pass

Hebrews 12:2
Looking to Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. Who for the joy that was set before Him……

This verse in the new testament emphasizes the fact that it is necessary to follow the example of our Lord Jesus.

He endured the pain associated with the cross because of the joy He knew was ahead of Him.

Continue to trust God. He will prove Himself by moving on your behalf.
God be with you

How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Trust in God and do what is right

Song for mediation

Let this song be your
Confession and prayer

One step at a time
Only one step at a time
This is the way the Lord will lead you
One step at a time
Take this one step carefully
Walk this one step carefully
This is the way to victory
One step at a time

Un pas apres l’autre
Juste un pas apres l’autre
Mon Dieu traivallez lentement
Prenez chaque pas doucement
Marchez chaque pas doucement
Mon Dieu vous donnez la victoire
Juste un pas apres l’autre