Do all things through CHRIST!! [ July 31,2023 ]
Do all things through CHRIST!! [ July 31,2023 ]
Do all things through CHRIST!!
Joshua 1:5
As I was with Moses, I will be with you. No one will be able to stand against you…..
In the book of Joshua chapter 1, God commissions Joshua for service. He assures him, He will be with him throughout His service as He was with Moses.
What was Joshua expected to do? Joshua 1-10
-He has to be strong and courageous
– He should not fear or be dismayed
– He should not turn to the right or the left from the instructions given him
– He should study the word of God thoroughly and apply it.
These same requirements applies to all Christians and ambassadors of Christ.
Do nothing, without first consulting God through prayer and reading the word.
Do all things through Christ.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
This verse from the new testament says with the help and grace of God we can do all things.
Even if there are numerous challenges and victory looks impossible.
Believe that all things are possible through Christ.
God be with you
How can I apply the word of God to my life?
1. Face every challenge with the attitude of a winner.
Meditate on the words of this hymn
All things are possible to Him
That in Jesu’s name believe
Lord I no longer thy trust betray
Thy word I humbly obey
I can, I do believe
All things are possible to me