Watch and pray!! [ September 9,2023 ]

September 9, 2023
Watch and pray!! [ September 9,2023 ]

Daily Word 🇬🇭

Watch and pray!!
Psalm 23: 2-3
He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my soul.

The bible says in that
In sin were we conceived…..(Psalm 51:5) Humans therefore, have a natural tendency to sin. Nobody teaches a child how to keep his/her toys and food away from people they do not like. They do it naturally.

In the passage above, the Psalmist is asking God for direction and strength. That is what we all have to do each day.

This is because in the world today we are surrounded by systems and principles that try to project biblical principles as being outmoded or old fashioned.

We therefore, have to watch ( be alert to pick out signals that keep us away from the principles of God) and pray ( ask for God’s help and direction) each day.

Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray, that you fall not into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing but the body is weak

This verse from the new testament emphasizes that it is important to watch and pray as christians because, we know what to stay away from
( the spirit is willing) but our bodies are weak ( our ability to resist sin is weak)

We need grace and strength from the Spirit of God that lives in us.
God be with you

How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Pray for grace and strength each day to stay away from sin.

Meditate on the words of this song

Yield not to temptation
For yielding is sin
Each victory will help you
Some other to win
Fight manfully onwards
Dark passion disdain
Look ever to Jesus
He will carry you through

Shun evil companions
Bad language disdain
God’s Name hold in reverence
Nor take it in vain
He who is our Savior
Our strength will renew
Look ever to Jesus
He will carry you through