The God of heaven will prosper us!! [ August 13, 2023]
The God of heaven will prosper us!! [ August 13, 2023]
![The God of heaven will prosper us!! [ August 13, 2023]](
The God of heaven will prosper us!!
Nehemiah 2:20
……the God of heaven He will prosper you and I so arise and let us build
All Christians have been given the assignment of spreading the gospel (Matthew 28:19-20). In our line of duty we face obstacles in the form of, christians being arrested in non- christian countries, hostility from people we witness to, lack of funds and logistics for ministry etc.
But like Nehemiah told the men rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, let’s ignore opposition from the Sanballats and Tobiahs of today ( that is people who try to oppose the spreading of the gospel)
“Lets arise and build”, that is let’s keep spreading the gospel in diverse ways. Through music, drama, use of social media, Preaching the word, street evangelism etc. “God will prosper us” that is to say God will give us success.
The bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:58 that
….be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain ( paraphrased)
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
This verse from the new testament assures us that, we can do all things, including spreading the gospel in spite of opposition through the grace and the strength Christ provides us.
Lets arise and build.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Put witnessing or soul winning on your agenda for each day.
Meditate on the words of this song
In the days of Nehemiah
He was a prophet, a prophet of old….
Then it pleased the King
To offer help to build the walls of Jerusalem
Then came Sanballat, then came Tobiah who did not want the walls of Jerusalem to be built
But Nehemiah stood up
Nehemiah stood up yeah
In the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost
He said
The God of heaven
He will prosper you an I
So arise, arise and let us build!!!