Take up your cross [February 10,2023 ]
Take up your cross [February 10,2023 ]
![Take up your cross [February 10,2023 ]](https://sanctifiedbychrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/carry-cross.png)
Daily Word 🇬ðŸ‡
Take up your cross
Isaiah 53:5
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed
To” take up thy cross” means to lay aside your strengths and instead pick up those weaknesses that we so often run away from in life
Luke 9:23 says
Jesus looks at His disciples and tells them, ” whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves take up their cross and follow me……
The verse from Isaiah 53 shows us how Jesus laid aside His strength as God and member of the trinity to allow His own creation to molest Him for our sake.
Some of the lessons we can learn from the two verses quoted above are that to be able to serve God faithfully and fulfill our mission and ministry:
– We have to “deny ourselves”, that is lay aside our ego
– sacrifice our time, energy and resources as well as our own lives to promote the gospel
Luke 9:62
No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back is not fit for my kingdom.
This verse from the new testament is a warning or caution. When you accept the gift of salvation and you dedicate your life to serving God, no challenge, problem, temptation or trial should make you look back (make you think your life as an unbeliever or unsaved person was better than life in Christ) or give up your salvation. You will lose your license to spend eternity in heaven
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Be determined to remain faithful to God till the end. And pray for grace and strength to do so.
Think about the words of this song
If any man wants to come after me
I will receive him in peace to my rest
Only he should know that
Any man who holds the plough
And looks back isn,’t fit for my kingdom
Take up your cross
Follow me
Deny yourself
Follow me
Take up your cross
If you wanna be my disciple.
To live for Jesus
Isn’t easy
But God has promised to sustain you
Don’t be afraid
For He is faithful
Take up your cross
Follow me ……