Step out in faith [February 3, 2021 ]

February 3, 2021
Step out in faith [February 3, 2021 ]

Daily Word

Step out in faith
Isaiah 65:24
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

There are stories of people being turned away at the door or being insulted when they went out to witness ( present the message of salvation to others). The fear of rejection prevents many people from winning souls. The verse above says before we even call on God He will answer. God gave us the command to out and spread the word (Matthew 28:19-20), therefore, He is ever ready to help us. Before you go out to witness, pray for God to give you favor with men so they will be ready to listen and accept the word. Pray also for grace and wisdom and step out in faith.

Matthew 14:31
And immediately Jesus stretched His hand and caught him, and said unto him, Oh thou of little faith, wherefore first thou doubt.

Having faith in God whilst we preach the word is also very important. Without faith our efforts will not yield any fruits. Do not be discouraged when people do not listen to you. Step out in faith and coñtinue to preach the word , God will reward your efforts.
God be with you.

How can I apply the word to my life?
1. If you are shy or not confident enough to share the word, you can start by giving out tracts or busing social media to witness.
2. If you do this faithfully over a period of time, you will gain enough confidence to chat one-on-one with people as you share the gospel.
3. Churches and Christian organizations should make tracts available to the youth and all who want to witness.
Faithful God, I praise you because you are faithful and you keep your promises to your children. Make me a faithful witness. Amen.