Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord [October 27,2021]
Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord [October 27,2021]
Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord
Exodus 14:13
And Moses said unto the people, Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will shew to you today, for the Egyptians whom ye see today, ye shall see them again no more.
In the verse above the Israelites were in great danger. The Egyptians had finally given them their freedom after going through ten plagues.
A few days after they left Egypt, the Egyptians decided that they had made a great mistake by giving them freedom. Who was going to do all the difficult menial jobs? They sent soldiers after the Israelites to bring them back.
The Israelites were trapped between the Red sea and the Egyptians. How can they cross the sea and escape from the Egyptians?
Moses told them not to fear, the Lord would deliver them. God directed him to stretch his rod over the sea. The sea parted and they walked through on dry ground. (Read Exodus 14 &15)
Like God assured the Israelites of His help and deliverance, all Christians and children of God can also claim this promise.
When you are faced with a difficult challenge, do not fret or worry (stand still), turn to the Lord in prayer and He will make a way.
Philippians 4:6-7
Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
The verse above also admonishes us not to fret or worry, but instead pray and thank God for salvation or deliverance.
He is the Lord, His word is true and He is faithful, keep trusting Him
God be with you.
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Cultivate the habit of turning to the Lord in prayer , whenever you come across a difficult situation.
Think about the words of this song
Ancient of days
As old as you are
As old as you are
You remain the same
Lord hear our prayer and attend to our cry for help and deliverance. Amen