Sold out to Christ [June 2,2021 ]
Sold out to Christ [June 2,2021 ]
Topic: Sold out to Christ
![Sold out to Christ [June 2,2021 ]](
Sold out to Christ
Exodus 20:3
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
To be ” sold out to Christ” means you are completely devoted to Christ and you are not ready to consider other gods or other deities even though you may have challenges.
There is a song that says:
Sold out, no matter what they say
Made up my mind, I am a fool for Christ
Sold out, every day
What I say and do will give Him all the praise.
Even when you find yourself in a very difficult situation remember you have a God who is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is also everywhere and can reach you no matter where you may be.
Remember, God, reached the disobedient Prophet Jonah even in the belly of a whale when he called on Him. (Jonah 2:1-10)
Philippians 1:21
For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Do not be too concerned about what people say. Remain faithful to God no matter the cost.
The bible says, be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee the crown of life.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. In time of trouble always remember to call on God first.
Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of this day. Help me remain faithful to you. Amen