Our days are numbered [August 15,2022 ]
Our days are numbered [August 15,2022 ]
![Our days are numbered [August 15,2022 ]](https://sanctifiedbychrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/images-3.png)
Our days are numbered
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom
Verse 10 of Psalm 90 says
The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70 years); and by reason of strength they may be fourscore years(80 years), yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it soon cut off and we fly away.
Meaning, God expects every man to live as long as 70 years. Some may die earlier and others may be blessed with a few years more.
The phrase “teach us to number our days” is advising us to do our best within this time we are given because it passes away so quickly.
During this time:
– Seek God earnestly ( Matthew 6:33)
-Preach the word ( 2 Timothy 4:2)
-Give to the poor (Luke 6:38)
– Give for the work of God
( Malachi 3:10)
Maximize your influence as a believer and ambassador of Christ.
Revelations 22:12
Behold, I come soon and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be
This verse from the new testament reminds us that the work we do as Christians and the life we live to glorify God will be rewarded.
The emphasis here is on the fact that the time we have to do the things listed above is short, “And behold I come quickly”. Never forget this.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Always aim at glorifying God in all you do.
Think about the words of this song
Lo, I tell you a mystery
When Jesus shall come
We shall not be the same
We all shall changed in a moment
In a twinkling of an eye
At the last trumpt
……we all shall sing
Death where is thy victory,?
Grave where is thy sting?