My strength and my reward [ May 7, 2023 ]
My strength and my reward [ May 7, 2023 ]
My strength and my reward
Nehemiah 8:10
Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
The Lord is my strength and my reward means the Lord is the source of your great abilities, intelligence and the energy you use to fulfill your assignments in school, work and your ministry.
The Lord is also the one who commends you and compensates you for the use of your abilities, intelligence and energy.
The verse above says that it the joy ( happiness) that the Lord gives you that provides your strength.
The bible says in Psalm 16:11 that
In the presence of God there is fullness of joy.
Meaning if you want to renew your strength you have to learn to wait on the Lord( pray, study the word and praise and worship Him frequently)
Galatians 6:9
And do not grow weary in well-doing for in due time, you shall reap if you do not grow weary.
This verse from the new testament assures us that when we use the strength God gives us to do good works, He rewards us at the appointed time.
Serve God faithfully with the strength He gives you and in due time He will reward you.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Serve God faithfully by fulfilling His command to win souls.
Make this song your prayer and confession.
You are my strength and my reward
You are my strength and my reward
In you I am great
In you I am strong
You are my strength and my reward
You are my strength and my reward
You are my strength and my reward
In you I have hope
In you I have faith
You are my strength and my reward