My peace I give unto you!!! [ January 24/1/2025]

January 24, 2025
My peace I give unto you!!! [ January 24/1/2025]

Daily Word👩‍❤️‍👨

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson
( AKA Aunty Evangeline)
January 24/1/2025

My peace I give unto you!!!
Isaiah 26:3
He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him

“My peace I give unto you” means I am giving you a special kind of calmness ( peace)

Peace is defined in dictionaries as “the absence of war”

But biblical peace is calmness in the midst of war or chaos. That is why the world cannot understand this kind of peace

The verse above encourages christians to keep their focus on God as the source of all power in the time of trouble. Knowing that He is able to do all things so we need not fret nor worry.

The bible gives a perfect example of biblical peace, Jesus was arrested , beaten and crucified though he was innocent. He remained calm

In Acts 16, there is the story of Paul and Silas who were beaten and thrown into prison. Jesus gave the direction to preach the word before leaving his disciples in ( Matthew 28:19-20) Yet they did not complain, they prayed and sang praised in prison and God made a way.

In both situations the typical human response to their captors will be shouting and insults

The bible says, Jesus is our example. If you think He was able to endure his ordeal because He was God. What about Paul and Silas, they were humans like us

John 16:33
These things I have told you that in me you will have peace….

This verse from the new testament gives Jesus’ explanation for giving us biblical peace. It help us remain calm and firm even when our faith is being challenged.

Accept the gift of salvation today ( Romans 10:9-10) and receive the peace of God

God be with you

How can I apply the word to my life?

1. Pray for grace and strength to obey God’s commands always.

Song for meditation

Let this song
be your confession and prayer

My peace, I give unto you
It’s the peace that the world cannot give
It’s the peace that world cannot understand
Peace to know
Peace to live
My peace
I give unto you

French version

Ma paix je vous donne toujours
C’est la paix
Que le monde ne peux pas donner
C’ est la paix
Que le monde ne comprend pas
La paix pour vivre
La paix pour vivre
Ma paix je vous donne toujours