Lord, in the fullness of my might, I will for thee be strong!! [May 14, 2023 ]
Lord, in the fullness of my might, I will for thee be strong!! [May 14, 2023 ]
Lord, in the fullness of my might, I will for thee be strong!!
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come …..
“Lord in the fullness of my might, I will for thee be strong” means Lord I will serve you faithfully in my youth when my energy and abilities are at its peak. Why?
Because just as the verse above talks about the ” evil days coming” as you grow older and age, you become weaker in strength or energy, you may have medical conditions that slow you down and prevent you from working zealously for the Lord as you did in your youth.
In addition to this you climb higher in your career and you have more responsibilities and less time for God’s work.
Furthermore, you may have a spouse and children who will also take more of your time
Serving the Lord in your youth is best as your energy and abilities are at its peak. This does not mean you stop serving God completely when you grow older. You still have to find time to work for God.
Joel 2:28 says
…..in the last days God will pour His spirit upon all flesh….
The young, the old and the aged. We all have a part to play.
Matthew 19:14
Suffer the little children to come unto me for to such belong the kingdom of God.
This verse from the new testament shows that Jesus or the Lord has a soft spot for the youth or children
He specifically says the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. Probably because they are so trusting and easy to teach.
Seek to be a mentor or spiritual parent to the children and youth in your church and at work.
Help them fulfill their mission as ambassadors of Christ.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Serve God faithfully as a child, youth, adult, or aged person.
Let this hymn be your prayer
Lord in the fullness of my might
I will for thee be strong
While runneth o’er each dear delight
To thee should soar my song
I will not give the world my heart
And then thy love profess
I will not feel my strength depart
And then thy service prove
Oh choose me in my golden time
In my dear joys have part
For thee the glory of my prime
The fullness of my heart