If Jesus says “YES”!! [ April 11, 2024 ]

April 11, 2024
If Jesus says

Daily Word 🇬🇭

If Jesus says “YES”!!
Joshua 1:9
Have I not told you to be strong and of good courage?……. For I the Lord God I am with you wherever you go.

In the verse above, the Lord promises to be with us always, therefore, we need not fear.

” If Jesus says “YES” meaning, if God gives His approval for something or God makes a promise to you , no man can change this decision.

There are countless examples in the bible to prove this

– There is the story of Joseph who had a dream at a tender age that he will be great.

a) He told his older brothers about this and they hated him

b) How can the youngest among us be the greatest. They sold him into slavery to end this dream

c) But after years of slavery and spending time even in prison the dream was fulfilled (Genesis 38 to Genesis 50)

– In the new testament there is the story of of the Apostle Peter. Jesus declared, you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church. ( Matthew 16:18)

a) The Apostle Peter had many faults and it seemed as if Jesus’ declaration will not be fulfilled.

b) He denied Jesus three times before a young girl. He had no courage

c) He fell asleep when Jesus asked him to pray before He was captured

d) But he was the first to preach after the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He laid the foundation for the building of the church as Jesus said ( Acts 2:22-47)

The examples given above prove that if Jesus says yes no one can say no. Jesus always fulfills His promises.

Matthew 28:18
And Jesus spoke to them saying, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth ( paraphrased)

This verse from the new testament assured us that all power in heaven and on earth have been given to Jesus.

He has the final say in everything.
God be with you.

How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Trust in God and do what is right

Song for meditation

Let this hymn be your confession and prayer

If Jesus says YES
Nobody can say NO
If Jesus says YES
Nobody can say NO

Si Jesu dit Oui
Persone ne peux pas dire non
Si Jesu dit Oui
Presone ne peux pas dire non.