How can I reject you , Lord? [January 14, 2023 ]
How can I reject you , Lord? [January 14, 2023 ]
How can I reject you , Lord?
Deuteronomy 32:18
You neglected the rock who begot you, and forgot the God who gave you birth
Most of the time we reject God consciously or unconciously , we reject God by our actions.
For instance you excel in an exam or you present an excellent report. Lots of people congratulate you for the good work done.
Instead of giving glory to God for helping you, you take all the glory and refuse to acknowledge the fact that God caused you to triumph. If you do this you are rejecting God.
In the verse above , christians are being rebuked for neglecting and rejecting God.
The bible says, God sharecs His glory with no man. ( Isaiah 42:8) Remember to give God all the glory for the many blessings He showers on you
1John 4:19
We love because, He first loved us
This verse from the new testament reminds us of one thing we often forget.
While we were yet sinners Christ showed us great love by dying on the cross to save us. ( Romans 5:8) We cannot reject or refuse to acknowledge such love.
God be with you.
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Never stop giving thanks and sharing testimonies of what God has done in your life.
Think about the words of this song
How can I reject you Lord who first loved me?
How can I reject you Lord who first loved me
Sweet, sweet Jesus
I love you
Sweet , sweet Jesus
I love you
Oh yes!!