Good Father [April 13,2021 ]

April 13, 2021
Good Father [April 13,2021 ]

Daily Word

Good father

Good Father
Psalm 103:13
As a father pitieth his children, so does the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.

Another translation says so does the Lord have compassion for them that fear Him.

Every good human father is concerned about meeting the needs of his children and helping them overcome challenges that is in their power to help them overcome.

God is also very concerned about His children. He sees all our needs and will do everything possible to provide them including sacrificing His only son.

2 Corinthians 6:18
And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my son’s and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

In the verse above, it says God will be a Father to us. He will meet our needs and help us overcome challenges. Talk to God as your father and He will be more than willing to help you.
God be with you.

How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Whenever you are in need of help, talk to God first, before you approach anybody.

Loving Father, there is no one else like you. Receive your praise. Help me to trust you always. Amen.