Do not give up your faith! [ May 11,2023 ]
Do not give up your faith! [ May 11,2023 ]
Do not give up your faith!
Psalm 27:13-14
I would have fainteth unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart; wait I say on the Lord.
Sometimes we encounter so many challenges and obstacles in life. We pray and wait for the Lord to move. But because God moves in his own time it is easy to get discouraged and feel like giving up the faith. Is it worth it? Some people talk about other deities who work faster. Can we try other gods or faiths?
The answer is no. Because it is only Jehovah God Almighty who maketh rich ( blesses us) without any sorrow or asking for sacrifices in return for the good done. ( Proverbs 10:22)
The Psalmist in the passage above identifies with this feeling of desperation and loss of hope because he has waited long for the move of God.
But he assures us that it is beneficial to wait for the move of God. Do not give up your faith. Be
Courageous and keep praying, studying the word, praising and worshipping God. You will certainly see the move of God.
John 14:1-2
Let not your heart be troubled
Believe in God, and believe also in me…..
This passage from the new testament assures us once more to keep believing in God, He will make a way.
Like the songwriter , start each day with this song on lips
I’m expecting
Anticipating, the move of God
The move of God ( Repeat as many times as you wish)
God be with you
How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Pray for grace, patience and strength to wait for the move of God.
2. Cast not away your faith or confidence in God for it has great recompense of reward. ( Hebrews 10:35-36)
Meditate on the words of this song
Sometimes it’s hard to keep the faith
Maybe it looks
More than you can
But there is grace to see you through.
You may gothrough some hard times
You may be sad many many days
Stop fretting tell it to Jesus
Some simple trusting will do
So my brother
Never give up
Jesus understands
Never give up
He will see you through.