Arise and build [ June 4, 2023 ]

June 4, 2023

Daily Word 🇬🇭

Arise and build
Nehemiah 2:18
And they said,we must arise and build…..

In biblical terms ” Arise” means that take steps and believe by faith that all things are possible. While “build” means put your faith into action.

The verse above is part of the story of how the Prophet Nehemiah led the people of Israel rebuild Jerusalem. They had opposition from people like Sanballat and Tobiah but Nehemiah by the power of the Holy Ghost encouraged them to keep up the good work .

He said the people should disregard the opposition and continue building for God will prosper them.

The lesson from the story? Always believe like
Matthew 19:26 says that
With God all things are possible

It does not matter what opposition you face in your education, career and ministry. Keep working and God will prosper whatever you do.

Matthew 28:19-20
… all nations and preach the word….lo, I am with you till the end of the world

The passage above from the new testament reminds us that as christians we have a mission to fulfill. Spread the gospel and win souls for the kingdom of God.

Disregard the opposition, obstacles and distraction and arise and help build the kingdom of God
God be with you

How can I apply the word to my life?
1. Win souls to for the kingdom of God.

Let this song be your confession

Lord , I will arise
Lord, I will arise
I will arise today
In the days of Nehemiah
He was a prophet, a prophet of old
Then it pleased the king to help Nehemiah rebuild Jerusalem
Then came Sanballat, then came Tobiah to destroy the work
But Nehemiah stood up
Nehemiah stood up, yeah
In the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost
And he said
The God of heaven
He will prosper you and I So arise, arise and let us build