A little talk with Jesus makes it right [May 18, 2022 ]
A little talk with Jesus makes it right [May 18, 2022 ]
A little talk with Jesus makes it right
Jeremiah 33:3
Call unto me, and I will answer and show thee great and mighty things you do not know
There is a song that says:
A little talk with Jesus makes it right, alright
A little talk with Jesus makes it right, alright
In trials of every kind
Praise God, I always find
A little talk with Jesus makes it right alright.
The song assures us that once we talk to Jesus through prayer things would be made right. Answers to your prayer might not come immediately. However, God through the Holy Spirit that lives in you will comfort (John 14:16) and keep you until the answer comes.
When you pray or call unto God, the answer will certainly come and God will also teach you all things through the Holy Spirit (John 14:26) about your challenge or problem.
God is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him to do (Jeremiah 32:27)
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing
The verse above emphasizes the importance of prayer. It is so important that we must never stop praying.
We need to pray constantly like the breath we need to live or the food and water we need for survival
You need not always have to find a quiet place and close your eyes and pray. You can pray in the bus, taxi, Uber, at work, at school, anywhere. It is not important to pray aloud always, sometimes depending on where you are can pray quietly in your head.
Prayer is the key that can help you open the doors that are closed in your life or resolve the challenges you encounter.
God be with you
How can I apply the word to your life?
Learn to pray always, anywhere at any time.
Father, help me to communicate with you always