The blessing of the Lord!! [ April 28, 2024 ]
April 28, 2024

The blessing of the Lord!! [ April 28, 2024 ]


April 28, 2024

The blessing of the Lord!!
Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and He addeth no sorrow.

The blessing of the Lord brings joy and it has no complicated strings attached. All He requires is a thank you and faithful service like the verse above says.

Scripture also says in Psalm 75:6-7 that

Lifting up comes not from the east nor the West.... but from God, He is the judge, He lifts one up and puts one down.

Dear student, worker and ambassador of Christ you should not get

- Offended when the friend you taught in class performs better in an exam. It is God's prerogative to decide who does better

- In the same way you should not get offended when the clerk you supervise is honored with an award and you get nothing. It is God who decides who should be honored

- A Minster of God should not get offended when the guy he brought to Christ and mentored manifests more gifts than he has. It is the doing of the Lord.

Seek to excel in all you do to glorify God. ( Matthew 5:16)
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. Reflect over your activities. Identify the areas that need polishing and pray for God to help you excel

Song for meditation

Let this song be your confession and prayer

I am in your presence Lord
Bless me now
I am in your presence Lord
Bless me now

I am waiting on you now
Bless me Lord
I am waiting on you now
Bless me Lord
By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson