REFLECTIONS πŸ™„ | May 26, 2024
May 26, 2024

REFLECTIONS πŸ™„ | May 26, 2024


May 26, 2024

Who is my equal?
Isaiah 40:25
To whom shall ye compare me or who is my equal?....

According to the verse above
There is nothing here on the planet earth that can be compared with God or can be substituted and put in place of God. Why?

His great love and power supersedes everything here on earth. Who can sacrifice so much for the redemption of humans and ask for nothing in return except dedication and faithful service to Him.

In the old testament, God delivered Daniel from the lion's den and what did he give in return? Dedication and faithful service to Him

In the new testament, Jesus healed the ten lepers. What did they give in return? Almost nothing. Only one came back to thank Him.

Beloved student, worker and ambassador of Christ, Jesus is all you need to excel. If you serve Him faithfully you will certainly reap the harvest in due season.

The harvest may delay as the Bible says

The vision is for an appointed time, though it tarries , wait for it, it shall surely come to pass.
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. Pray for grace and strength to excel in all you do.


Song for meditation

Let this song be your confession and prayer

Who is like you oh God
You created us in your likeness
Who is like you oh God
Its an honor Lord to stand and worship you

We lift our hands to the great I AM
Who was and who is
And is to come
We lift our hands to the great I AM
Who can compare with you

And we will say that
You are good and all the miracles you have done
Has brought us joy
For we are changed and all the hope we have
We place in you
Right now.

Father we declare that we love
We declare our everlasting love for you
By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson