REFLECTIONS 🙄: God is Jehovah jirel
November 19, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄: God is Jehovah jirel


November 19, 2021
God is Jehovah Jireh
Genesis 22:14

Abraham called the name of the place Jehovah Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord, The Lord will see, or provide

Abraham named the place Jehovah Jireh because, God miraculously provided a ram to be sacrificed in place of his son Isaac. Abraham had passed the test of being faithful to God, no matter the cost.

There are other stories in the bible where God provided for His people.

In the book of Daniel, God provided a way of escape for the three Hebrew men from a burning furnace and He also preserved the life of Daniel when he was put in the lion’s den.

In the new testament, God provided a donkey for Jesus to ride in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem just before his death. He also provided someone to help Jesus carry His cross.

A careful look at all the stories mentioned, shows that God provided what was needed for each occasion exactly at the time it was needed most.

Your teachers are planning to go on strike just before exams. How do you prepare for the exams? Pray for God to provide you with wisdom to plan your study time and research into areas you have not covered in class (James 1:5) If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of the Lord….

You need a particular product to finish an order for a client. Your supplier has run out of stock and is now ordering a new consignment. What do you do? Pray for funds to enable the supplier order by air which is faster. (Haggai 2:8) The silver is mine and the gold is mine…….

Your church wants to create a storehouse with food items and stationery for school children for needy people in church. Pray for God to touch the hearts of church members to share what they have. (Matthew 25:40-45)…..In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me…..
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. The examples given above are only a few of the needs we have, there are many other needs that are not mentioned
2. Whatever your need, remember Psalm 23:1
The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not want (paraphrased). Pray using this verse from the bible as the basis for your requests for school, work and your ministry.

Meditate on the words of Alvin Slaughter’s song

What’s that you have in your hands?
I can use it if you are willing to lose it
Take the little you have and make it grand
I am El Shaddai
And I’ll more than supply your need.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson