REFLECTIONS 🙄:He will supply your needs
November 21, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄:He will supply your needs


November 21, 2021

He will supply your needs

Philippians 4:19
But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

In the world today, it is difficult for many to trust God for their needs because there are so many people living in war torn areas living without even basic necessities like food, water and clothing.

God is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him to do (Jeremiah 32:27) . The Lord often touches the hearts of churches, NGOs and governments to send the people in war destroyed areas food, water and clothing.

God is not like man and therefore cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19). If He says in Philippians 4:19 that He will supply your needs then He will. Trust Him fully.

There is a story in 1 Kings 17:9-16 where the Prophet Elijah prays over a widow’s small wheat and oil (just enough for one meal) and it never runs out.

In Matthew 14:14-20, Jesus feeds five thousand people with only five loaves and two pieces of fish. They all ate and were full. The disciples collected twelve baskets of left overs.

What do you need or require?

You need fashionable clothes for school (university or college). Your parents can only afford a few clothes. What do you do? Pray for God to open a door that will help you get what your need. You could get clothes from friends at church, or a relative of yours abroad could send you clothes. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can think or ask (Ephesians 3:20)

Your company needs dedicated men and woman who will work selflessly with a moderate income. What options do you have?
Pray for God to bring selfless and dedicated workers your way. People who will be willing to work as unto the Lord and not unto men ( Colossians 3:23)

Or your church needs soul winners who will bring more people into the house and kingdom of God. How do you get faithful men and women? Pray for God to send laborers for the harvest.(Matthew 9:38)
God be with you.

Suggestions for success
1. Search the bible for verses connected to your needs at school, work and ministry. Pray with these verses as your basis .
2. After prayer continue to confess the words in these bible verses until your need is met

Let this hymn be your prayer

All things are possible to him
That in Jesu’s name believe
Lord I no more thy trust betray
Thy word I humbly obey
I can, I do believe in thee
All things are possible to me

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson