May 19, 2024

REFLECTIONS πŸ™„ | May 19, 2024


May 19, 2024

Come and walk on water with me!!!
Matthew 14:28-29
And Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And He said, Come....

Water is unstable and a liquid not a solid substance you can walk on.

The phrase " Come on and walk on the water with me"
means, take a step of faith and live and work for Christ"

In the verse above Jesus asked Peter to come and walk with Him on water. Whilst He focused and trusted in Jesus he was able to walk on the water but as soon as he started to doubt he started to sink

Sometimes it may seem impossible given your ability and the resources but Matthew 28:20b says

"For lo I am with you always"

Meaning, I am with you to give you the resources and people you need to help you fulfill your ministry.

Dear student, worker and ambassador of Christ, you do not need to necessarily finish school or wait till your old age before you can fulfill your ministry to present the Gospel to help save others.

God can give you all you need to multi- task

- Learn and win souls and still excel in your studies if you plan well and trust God for direction.

- To perform your assignments at work excellently and fulfill your ministry as an ambassador of Christ if you trust God

His word says in Matthew 19:26

...... with men it is impossible but with God all things are possible.
God be with you

Suggestions for success

1. Pray and ask God to help you excel in all you do in the coming week.

Song for meditation

Let this song be your confession and prayer

Come on and walk on the water with me
Come on and walk on the water with me
You will not fail
You will not fail

Make a move in faith
Launch ahead in the deep
Be courageous and walk out through that storm
Keep your eyes on Him
Don't mind the wind and the waves
There aren't nothing gonna
Stop us now

Come on and walk on the water with me
Come on and walk on the water with me
You will not fail
You will not fail
By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson