August 6, 2021


Passage: Matthew 6:34


August 6, 2021

How was your week?
Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself, sufficient unto the day is an evil thereof.

I do not know how your week was? Did you fail to meet deadlines at work or school or in your ministry as a christian? Or everything was smooth?

No matter what happened during the week do not lose hope. If you were unable to meet deadlines then try and review your activities and see how you can improve your performance in the coming week.

If everything went well then try and find out the things that helped you to excel and use it as your success strategy henceforth.

After reviewing and evaluating your performance , pray and ask God to help you excel at all times.

Do not worry or fret about what will happen the following week because you were unable to meet deadlines.

Like the verse above says do not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow might come with its own troubles.
God be with you

Suggestions for success based on the word (Matthew6:34)
1. Do not carry yesterday’s problems into tomorrow.
2. Live one day at a time
3. Pray for grace to help you improve your performance.

Heavenly Father, please guide me daily and help me excel in all I do Amen.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson