By the anointing!! [ November 13, 2024]
By the anointing!! [ November 13, 2024]
By the anointing!!
Isaiah 10:27
And it shall come to pass in that day, that His burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck………..
” The anointing” according to the goggle dictionary , is to ceremonially confer divine or holy office on a priest, by the smearing of oil.
It is can also be defined biblically as the outpouring of the Spirit of Lord upon an individual for service to God.
Like Isaiah 61:1 says
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor….
The verse from Isaiah 10: 27 means when the Lord anoints you , He endues you with power that breaks all obstacles or limitations in your life.
You may be a very shy person afraid of crowds, but when the Lord anoints you, you can stand boldly in front of a crowd and declare the word of the Lord
Like it happened in Acts 2: 1-10 on the day of Pentecost. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Apostle Peter, the coward who denied Jesus three times in front of a young girl
Stood boldly in front of a crowd and declared the word of the Lord. He was chosen to deliver the ‘ first sermon” in spite of his faults.
John 8:6
If the Son, therefore , shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed
This verse from the new testament also gives us a second purpose of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It sets us free!
Surrender, your life to God and accept the gift of salvation today. ( Romans 10:9-10)
God be with you
Suggestions for success
1. Pray for grace and strength to excel in all you do.
Song for meditation
Let this song be your confession and prayer
By the anointing
Jesus breaks the yoke
By the Holy Ghost and power
Just as the Prophets told
These are the days of the later rain
God is moving by His power again
By the anointing
We must break the yoke
These mountains
Shall be removed
And all of the dry land
Shall thrive again
And even the dry sea
It shall one day overflow
By my spirit saith
The Lord
Abridged version on french
Les problemes de ma vie
Mon Dieu va detruire
Et tous de maladies
Mon Dieu va detruire aussi
Et les choses impossibles
Il fait possible
Par sa puissance Comme il a dire