REFLECTIONS 🙄 | November 24, 2023
November 24, 2023

REFLECTIONS 🙄 | November 24, 2023


November 24, 2023

Will your anchor hold?
2 Corinthians 4:8-10
We are pressed on every side yet not crushed. Persecuted but not abandoned. Cast down but not destroyed….

“Will your anchor hold?” means, Is your confidence in Christ’s miracle working power, strong enough to carry you through the storms of life?

In the passage above, the Apostle Paul says he has been “through the mill”, through all kinds of challenges. There have been situations that pressed him or tried to take him out, but he survived. Other situations struck him down or crippled him but he bounced back to life and strength.

As you perform your daily duties as a student, worker and ambassador of Christ you may encounter tough situations you cannot overcome by your own strength.

Philippians 4:13 says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Tap into this promise from God. Your confidence in Him will pave the way for the miracle you need.
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. Believe without any doubt that God can see you through all the changing scenes of life.

2. Put all your trust or confidence in God to see you through the coming week

Meditate on the words of this hymn

Will your anchor hold in the storms of life
When the clouds unfold
Their wings of strife
When the strong tides lift
And the cables strain
Will your anchor drift
Or firm remain?

We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure
While the billows roll
Fastened to the rock
Which cannot move
Grounded firm and deep
In the Savior’s love
By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson