November 28, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄: Our faith has great reward


November 28, 2021

Our faith has great rewards
Hebrews 10:35
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward

Our faith is the trust and hope we have in God as being Almighty and able to do all things.

Some translations of the verse above replace the word “confidence ” with “courage or hope”

Meaning, we should not throw away or cast away our hope in God because we can derive great rewards from it.

Romans 5:5 says
Hope maketh not ashamed…..
Which means when we put our hope in God He will not fail us.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says
Trust in the Lord with all thy heart
And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.

When you have pressing needs in the area of your studies, your career and your ministry, trust in Lord or put your hope in God and you will be greatly rewarded.

As you wait in expectation to receive your needs, do not grow weary in doing good, even if it means sacrificing the little you have and God will reward you at the right time.
God be with you.

Suggestions for success
1. I heard a sermon on how to pray to receive results some time ago. The speaker said in order to receive results for prayers offered “PUSH”.
This is the acronym for
-U – untill
-H – happens.

Lord, help me hold onto my faith and hope no matter what happens to me in life.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson