REFLECTIONS 🙄: You will triumph
October 24, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄: You will triumph


October 24, 2021

You will triumph
2 Corinthians 2:14
Now thanks be to God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.

To triumph is to be victorious in a spectacular way. The verse above says God will always cause us to have good success or to triumph.

In Acts 28: 1-6
The Apostle Paul escapes from a shipwreck only to be bitten by a poisonous snake on an island called Melita.

The people around were surprised to see the dangerous beast coiled round his arms. They were even more surprised to see him just shake the beast off his hand and remain standing with no sign of a reaction from a snake bite. It was expected that his hands would get swollen or he will fall dead suddenly.

After they looked for a long while and no harm came to him, they were confused. This man must be a deity of some kind.

Just as God delivered the Apostle Paul in a spectacular manner, He can also turn your life into a succession of triumph or victories, if you continue to obey His commands and thank Him always for the victories He has already given you and those He is yet to give you.

Another week has began, you have spent the weekend taking stock of your activities in the previous week. You have identified areas you want to improve upon.

One way of excelling in the coming week is to thank God for the spectacular victories He will give you in the areas you failed.
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. You can thank God for success in the coming week by:
– Giving a thanks offering
– Singing praise and worship songs.
-Repeating your thanks verbally through prayer.

Let this song be your prayer and confession

In the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus
We have the victory over evil
Who can tell what God can do
Who can tell His love for us
In the name of Mighty Jesus
We have the victory

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson