REFLECTIONS 🙄 [Unchanging God]
October 1, 2021

REFLECTIONS 🙄 [Unchanging God]


October 1, 2021

Unchanging God
Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you

The name “I AM THAT I AM” means God has no beginning and has no end. He is the Alpha and Omega. God existed before the world began and will be there when it ends. He was, He is and will forever be. An unchanging God.

This is the kind of God that we serve. There is no need to worry about what you are today or what you will be in future. He says , He has plans for your welfare (Jeremiah 29:11)

You just wrote WASSCE and you are wondering if you can get good results that you help you gain admission to a good university to study the course of your choice. The future seems uncertain.

Perhaps, work in your company has not returned back to normal after COVID lockdown. The business is struggling and the future is uncertain.

Or your church building was destroyed by a storm and conditions are unfavorable for a church service and you have no money to fix it. Some members have already left the church, the future of the church is uncertain

Do not worry or fret, there is hope for the future because we serve an unchanging God, who was able to create the world out of nothing. He spoke everything into being. He called the things that be not as though they were ( Genesis 1-2:3). God has the same power He used then now and He can turn whatever unfavorable situation before you around. With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Just trust Him and obey His word and He shall perform (Matthew 15:7)
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. To ensure you gain admission to do the course of you choice, pray daily on the issue and give a faith offering or sow a seed.
2. To restore your company back to normal and see it grow bigger, pray frequently concerning the issue. Give a thanks offering for the success of your company. It does not have to be a huge amount, give within your means.
3. Pray for divine intervention to obtain funds to repair church building and get members back. Plan a Thanksgiving service to thank God for what He has done.

Unchanging God, receive all the praise and honor you deserve. Turn all uncertain situations in my life around for my good. Amen

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson