REFLECTIONS: He will perform wonders
September 19, 2021

REFLECTIONS: He will perform wonders


September 19, 2022

He will perform wonders
Psalm 77:14
Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.

God is the God of miracles, He is the God who works wonders. There are several accounts of miracles the Lord performed in both the old and new testament.

I will like to comment on the account in Luke 5:1-7. Simon who later became known as Peter had toiled all night with his men and caught no fish.

Jesus directed him to relaunch his net. Simon said, we have toiled all night but caught no fish but at thy word we will relaunch our net. They did.

When they did, in the same sea or place they had toiled without success, with the same net that had caught no fish and with the same men and boat, they caught so much fish that their net was breaking. God performed wonders.

I believe the lesson we can learn from this miracle is that God can do the impossible.

In the same subject you have failed or under-performed in school, relaunch your net, pray and ask for God’s help and direction and He will make a way.

For the same schedule that has delayed your progression at work, relaunch your net, pray for God’s help and direction and He will give you success.

In the same community where you have been unable to win souls, relaunch your net, pray for God’s help and direction and He will perform wonders.
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. Before you go to bed this night, pray fervently concerning your studies, work schedule and ministry work. Ask for help and direction. Implement the ideas you get and God will perform wonders. Only ideas in line with biblical principles.

Let this song be your prayer

Miracle worker, miracle worker
Come and do a miracle
A miracle today
Come and do a miracle
A miracle today. Amen.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson