REFLECTIONS: He will carry you
August 22, 2021

REFLECTIONS: He will carry you

August 22,2021
He will carry you
Matthew 4:6
And saith unto Him, if thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning thee: and in their arms they shall bear thee up (carry you), lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

There is a writing with the heading, “Footprints”
It says, I am summarizing:
A man saw a vision of his life
He realized that for most parts of his life, there were two sets of footprints but at other times, specifically during the difficult times, there was only one set of footprints. So He asked God why were there only one set of footprints when I needed you most. God said because in those times ,”I carried you”. It is my footprints you see and not yours.

This message is highlighted in the verse in Matthew 4 above. God will carry you in difficult times and give His angels charge over you when you are weak and cannot help yourself .

You may be asking yourself, why do I find it so difficult to study, why do I find by job so stressful or why is soul winning so difficult for me?

Relax in the arms of God and allow Him to carry you. Pray about whatever you have to do in the coming week and put in your best effort. God will make a way
God be with you

Suggestions for success
1. While you study, do not try so hard to memorize everything. Just read through like you are reading a story book and as John 14:26;says, the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance all you have learnt when you need it. The important thing is to read.
2. Whilst you do your work try to reduce stress by playing Christian music on your phone using your earphones, so you do not disturb anybody.
3. When you want to witness to someone , remove the tension by starting a normal conversation and gradually direct it to the gospel.

Loving Father, thank you for your grace and mercy. Please guide and direct me in the coming week. Amen.

By Evangeline Unity Esaaba Folson


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