Let the weak say I am strong [March 14, 2021 ]

March 14, 2021
Let the weak say I am strong [March 14, 2021 ]

Daily Word

Let the weak say I am strong
Joel 3:10
Let the weak say I am strong and the poor say I am rich.

The verse above is a perfect example of what faith is. You are weak but confess that you are strong. You are poor but confess that you are rich.

As you call the things that be not as though they were, you are living by faith and God will reward you by moving on your behalf and blessing you with the things you confess.

1 Corinthians 12:10
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distress for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak I am strong.

According to the verse above it is better to accept your weakness and ask for the power of God to be perfected in your life as you do the work of God.
God be with you.

How can I apply the word of God to my life?
1. Identify your weaknesses as a person and ask God to help you overcome them.
2. Identify your weaknesses as an ambassador of Christ (as you engage in soul winning) and ask for the power of God to be perfected in your life.

Everlasting Father, thank you for the gift of another week. Help me to overcome my weaknesses.